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Friday, December 27, 2013

Boxing Day

It has been a strange Christmas season at the Wanberg household…. Kait and I were figuring out what Christmas looked like as our own family while simultaneously unpacking boxes, planning for the kitchen renovations, and adjusting to life back home.  We have shed our fair share of tears as we remember the months we had in the house with Kaitlin walking, and have laughed heartily as we build new memories and struggle through the adjustments. 

Last Sunday Kaitlin and I were cooking lunch at home; it was nothing special, just a frozen pizza.  Set your timer for 12 minutes Bobby Flay, no skill needed to make this meal.  11 minutes into the cooking time, our oven started smoking furiously due to some gunk which had accumulated in the bottom pan.  We opened the door and fanned it out, but the smoke just kept coming.  Naturally, I decided we could get a more airtight seal out of the oven door if we locked it, so I did.  At this point I need to pause and say that Kaitlin was hungry… not just “I could eat” sort of hungry… more like “FEED ME OR DIE” hungry.  You can imagine my terror when I discovered that our oven door locked smoothly… and then refused to unlock.  I begged, I pleaded, I hauled on the stupid little latch thing, all to no avail.  “GET THE PIZZA!” my wife yelled, to which I responded “WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!??!?!?!!  IT IS LOCKED!”  As we bantered back and forth with each other I tried to explain to my hungry wife that I was really on her team.  I also wanted the pizza to be out of the oven, but could not see a solution short of getting out my power tools and cutting a hole in the oven door.  At this point all we had was the faint oven light, revealing to us that our pizza was being baked into a crispy little black hockey puck.  Kaitlin wanted to call 911 – I said no and got out the tools. Fifteen minutes later we had removed the still hot cook-top to get at the locking mechanism, which I cut off… no machine bests John Wanberg and lives.  The pizza looked terrible, but we ate it anyways.  We are still laughing.

The past few weeks have been very difficult.  We have been noticeably delinquent in posting on the blog and communicating with those close to us.  Even so, I want to let you all know that we cannot even express how loved and supported we feel in the midst of our exhaustion.  The outpouring of gifts, money, kind notes, well wishes, and friends willing to listen and grieve with us continues to amaze us.  Life without this support would be dark indeed. 

We cling to the truth of the gospel for strength. When it feels like we can’t do it, we remember Jesus – who being in very nature God, still humbled himself to the point of death on a cross (Philippians chapter 2).  On the days in which we are close to despair, we try to remember how God has used you all to provide for us, and ask him to give us just enough strength, and a little bit of laughter along the way. 


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