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Thank you for visiting Kaitlin's blog. Please use this site for the latest updates, information on ways to help, and thoughts from John and Katilin as well as the Rice and Wanberg Families. We will be actively making updates to keep everyone up to speed and communicate as effectively as possible. You can also subscribe so you will never miss a new post.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Post from Sue 9/11

Hi family and friends,

This is Sue Rice, Kaitlin's mom, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to communicate with you through this blog. I would first like to thank Carolyn Wanberg Thompson, John's sister, for the countless hours she has spent on setting up/updating this blog. It has probably been the single, biggest godsend to both of our families during the past ten days. As a method of communication it relieved us of the burden of repeating the story a hundred times and also of feeling guilty when we have simply been unable to respond personally with each of you. We're are so grateful, Carolyn, thank you.

You have no idea just how much we appreciate your prayers. I know that sounds trite and you've heard it said a thousand times, but I want to assure you that this mother's heart feels such indebtedness to you for lifting up Kaitlin and John to the Lord and asking for healing and His help in their regard. All of your expressions of love have been so tender and heart warming. I have come home many nights from the hospital, sat at my kitchen table and opened your cards one by one and cried and rejoiced and let your tenderness just wash over me. Thank you. This would be such a lonely road without you.

Kaitlin moved to Craig Hospital today. It is one of the top spinal injury hospitals in the world and we are so grateful to have it just 15 minutes from our home. Her spirits were pretty good. She's struggled with some respiratory issues the past few days which have been challenging to her both physically and mentally. But I think those are now behind her. We've been staying with her 24/7 while at Swedish Hospital knowing that she has needed an advocate and extra TLC during the lonely evening hours. But now I see her feisty determination returning. This is great to see. It's going to be a long road of recovery for her requiring much work. Please continue to pray for her daily. I am asking people to tie a pink ribbon (her favorite color) around their coffee pot handle as a reminder to pray for her healing each morning. I hope you all drink coffee! Please also remember our wonderful son-in-law, John. Pray for strength and courage as he completes his PhD studies in Boulder while adjusting to his new life with Kaitlin.

I would like to clarify the extent of Kaitlin's injury for all of you so that we're praying with the same expectant hearts. There has been some confusion in this area and we apologize for that. When the neurosurgeon performed the spinal fusion surgery (T1 through T8) on Kaitlin he found that the spinal cord was not severed. There is a covering over the cord fibers called the dura. Although the T5 vertebrae was shattered, the dura was still intact and was not torn. It is impossible to know what damage lies beneath the dura. Another doctor told us that only 5 specific fibers need to be intact in order to walk. This is our very specific prayer for Kaitlin. That God would knit together the fibers to restore her to complete and total healing so that she may walk once again. 

So far, this has been an incredible journey... raw and filled with every emotion. Through it all, we have felt the palpable presence of the Lord by our side. We don't understand why this happened, but we do know that the God we loved and worshiped the day before Kaitlin's accident is the same God we love and worship today. This tragedy has not changed anything about His character or goodness in any way. It has only made us more dependent on Him. And that's a good safe place to be. We are being called to trust Him as we never have before, and it has made us grow.
One last thing that I wanted to share with you. They told us at Craig yesterdaythat usually 80% of their patients are men. But for some reason in the past 2 weeks they have admitted 10 young women to the program, all under the age of 30. I smiled when I heard that, knowing full well that God is already planting good friends there for Kaitlin and that she will inevitably rise to be an inspiration/leader among them, just as we have seen her be so many times in the past. God is good.

Immediate specific prayers include:

healing in the spinal cord fibers to help her walk again
gentle transition to Craig Hospital
a good roommate and friends for her there
strength, focus, courage, optimism and dependence on the Lord for both Kaitlin and John
healthy strong lungs
that our families be continually and divinely united in strength and love

A verse speaking to me today:

I will be your God through all your lifetime...I made you and will care for you. I will carry you along and be your Savior.
Isaiah 46:4
Keep praying. With my love and deep appreciation for you!

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